Alicia Mihai Gazcue was born in Uruguay in 1949 and resides in Bucharest, Romania. She studied Literature and Philosophy at Facultad de Humanidades Universidad de la República in Montevideo, Uruguay. Her artwork includes charcoal and watercolor on paper; graphite and acrylic on paper; and acrylic on canvas. Her work has been published at Otra Parte (Argentina, summer 2007-08); at Point of Contact (Syracuse 2009); and at Review, Literature and Arts of the Americas (New York 2010)among other publications. In addition, her work has been mentioned in the book The Next Thing. Art in the Twenty-First Century, Farleigh Dickingson University Press, Madison, Teaneck, USA, edited by Pablo Baler (“Axonometry of the Future: or Prophesies for the Twenty-First Century” by Liliana Porter and Ana Tiscornia, 2013, chapter 8.). Gazcue contributed to “The Last Book,” a collaboration with artist a Luis Camnitzer, which was exhibited at Museo de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid, at Zentralbibliothek, Zurich, and at Biblioteca Nacional in Argentina. Her work was presented in Boston, at Barbara Krakow Gallery in 2004 as part of the exhibition “Strange Loops”, and at the Boston Center for the Arts, Mills Gallery in 2008-2009; and at “Black and White” at Hosfelt Gallery in New York City in 2010.
In 2017-18 she participated in the exhibition “How to Read el Pato Pascual”, en MAK, Center for the Art and Architecture, Los Angeles. In November 2010 the Magazine Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas, N.81 published and interview by Gabriela Rangel titled “What you see is not what it is”. Alicia’s work also includes performances like “Pasar entre ellos”, Montevideo 1969, “Passera mellan dem”, Lund, Suecia ,1974, and “Para ser preciso/ sa fie precise”,originally presented in Bucharest, Romania in 1979, recently re-staged at the Segunda Bienal Internacional de Performances BP17, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and at Galeria del Paseo, Manantiales, Uruguay, 2017. In 2018 she participated at the exhibitions “Cross Roads” at Barbara Krakow Gallery in Boston; “Tabare cosmopolita. Migraciones y ambibalencias del heroe trágico”, at Museo Zorrilla in Montevideo; “Mas allá de mis pies”, ARTIUM Collection (sculptures) at Museo ARTIUM, Vitoria, Spain. Both, Galería Espacio Mínimo from Spain, and Galeria Nora Fisch from Argentina, have shown anthological exhibitions of Alicia’s oeuvre. In 2018 she also was part of Proregress, 12th Shanghai Biennial, curated by Cuauhtémoc Medina with a project titled “I am a boomerang”. In 2019 she participated at the exhibition “Between Them: an Installation Composed of Drawings”, at Hosfelt Gallery in San Francisco.
In 2017-18 she participated in the exhibition “How to Read el Pato Pascual”, en MAK, Center for the Art and Architecture, Los Angeles. In November 2010 the Magazine Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas, N.81 published and interview by Gabriela Rangel titled “What you see is not what it is”. Alicia’s work also includes performances like “Pasar entre ellos”, Montevideo 1969, “Passera mellan dem”, Lund, Suecia ,1974, and “Para ser preciso/ sa fie precise”,originally presented in Bucharest, Romania in 1979, recently re-staged at the Segunda Bienal Internacional de Performances BP17, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and at Galeria del Paseo, Manantiales, Uruguay, 2017. In 2018 she participated at the exhibitions “Cross Roads” at Barbara Krakow Gallery in Boston; “Tabare cosmopolita. Migraciones y ambibalencias del heroe trágico”, at Museo Zorrilla in Montevideo; “Mas allá de mis pies”, ARTIUM Collection (sculptures) at Museo ARTIUM, Vitoria, Spain. Both, Galería Espacio Mínimo from Spain, and Galeria Nora Fisch from Argentina, have shown anthological exhibitions of Alicia’s oeuvre. In 2018 she also was part of Proregress, 12th Shanghai Biennial, curated by Cuauhtémoc Medina with a project titled “I am a boomerang”. In 2019 she participated at the exhibition “Between Them: an Installation Composed of Drawings”, at Hosfelt Gallery in San Francisco.
Alicia Mihai Gazcue nació en Uruguay en 1949 y reside en Bucarest, Rumania. Estudió literatura y filosofía en la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de la República en Montevideo, Uruguay. Sus trabajos incluyen carbonillas y acuarelas sobre papel, grafitos y acrílico sobre papel pautado, acuarela y carbonilla sobre tela. Algunas de sus obras han sido publicadas en la revista “Otra Parte” (Argentina, verano 2007-08), en “Point of Contact” (Siracusa 2009), y en “Review, Literature and Arts of the Americas” (New York, 2010) entre otras publicaciones. Así mismo su trabajo fue mencionado en el libro “The Next Thing. Art in the Twenty-First Century”, Farleigh Dickinson University Press, Madison, Teaneck, USA, editado por Pablo Baler, (“Axonometry of the Future; or Prophecies for the Twenty-First Century”, Liliana Porter y Ana Tiscornia, 2013 capitulo 8). También ha contribuido con “TheLast Book”, un proyecto de Luis Camnitzer que fuera exhibido en el Museo de la Biblioteca Nacional en Madrid, en la Zentralbibliothek Zürich, en Zurich, y en la Biblioteca Nacional en Argentina en 2008. Su trabajo fue expuesto en Boston en Barbara Krakow Gallery en 2004 en la muestra “Strage Loops” y en el Boston Center for the Arts, Mills Gallery, en 2008-2009; y en “Black and White” at Hosfelt Gallery en New York en 2010. En 2017-18 participa de la muestra “How to read el Pato Pascual”, en el MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Los Angeles. En noviembre de 2010, la revista “Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas” numero 81, publicóuna entrevista que le hiciera la curadora Gabriela Rangel, titulada “What you see is not what it is”. Su trabajo, también incluye performances, como “Pasar entre ellos” Montevideo 1969 y“Passera mellan dem” Lund, Suecia 1974, y “Para ser preciso/ să fie precise¨, originalmente presentada en Bucarest, Rumania en 1979, recientemente repuesta en la Segunda Bienal Internacional de Performances BP17, en Buenos Aires, Argentina, y en la GAleria del Paseo, Mananatiales, Uruguay (2017). En 2018 participó de las muestras ”Crossroads” en la Galería Barbara Krakow en Boston; Tabaré Cosmopolita, Migraciones y ambivalencias del héroe trágico, en el Museo Zorrilla de Montevideo; Más allá de mis pies, Colección Artium (esculturas) en el Museo ARtium de Vitoria, España; y la Galería Espacio Mínimo de Madrid, exhibió una muestra antológica de su obra titulada Para ser preciso. También en 2018 participa en Proregres, 12th Shanghai Biennial, curada por Cuauhtemoc Medina, con un proyecto titulado I am a Boomerang. En 2019 muestra en la exhibición Between Them: An Installation Composed of Drawings, en Hosfelt Gallery, en San Francisco.